Frequently asked questions.

What is a “turning point?”
A time at which a DECISIVE change in a situation occurs, especially one with beneficial results.

What is a “transition?”
the PROCESS or PERIOD of changing from one state or condition to another.

What is “ReDefine?”
To define again or differently or to reformulate an idea, project, organization, or life goals.

How do I benefit from a Transitional Coach or Consultant?
A Transitional Coach can assist individuals in recognizing the importance of adaptability. This process involves identifying areas where transformation is necessary, envisioning the expected outcomes, and empowering individuals to remain focused, productive, and content throughout the transition. With the guidance of a Transitional Consultant, individuals can benefit from valuable assistance in assessing opportunities, overcoming procrastination, establishing goals, and effectively managing the transition process through a well-designed action plan.

What is a Discovery Call?
It presents a valuable opportunity to evaluate your organization, leadership, and life by identifying any issues that may be hindering growth or success, thereby offering a chance for improvement.

Do you assist with business start-ups?
No, but we have resources available that we can connect you with.

Are your services offered online?
We offer both in-person and online services.